Blood Diamond

chax: Dont ever think about reading a new movies story in moi blog. I will never spoil even with a spoiler warning. 🙂

In this stupid place where I live the number of English movies that run in theatres are, at its best, 2!!! So, when I heard this movie was current on screens, I rushed. Me and Moi cousin went for this movie and we were awestruck. This is a movie one should never miss.

I dont like to give away the story of any movie I watch. But this movie its gonna be difficult but I will try not to give away the main stuff; @least not the climax!! 🙂 So I have compensated with pix of the movie. I am so awe struck with this movie, I could not contain my excitement since last night. Also I have been ever since waiting to get hold of my comp to pen down on my blog.

The plot is set in 1990 under the cloud of chaos & rebel war @ Sierra Leone. Well, as the name of the title says, this movie is all about….

…the infamous conflit Diamonds. This movie touches you with a gripping screen play. The entire movie is about the struggle Africans face because of the craze for this stone – Diamond. Once we are through with the movie, you feel a tinge of pain when-ever you come across a Diamond. This movie has been taken so beautifully that you wonder what are getting ourselves into. Our craze for such exotic stone is causing zillions of lives.

The movie’s protagonist is difficult to identify. Its not one but two. Both Leonardo DiCaprio and Djimon Hounsou. Each have out performed each other. Just like a race, where each performer tries more to compete & out-perform with each other than simply winning the race; here too, these two fellas have given such a magnificient performance. I wonder why they did not earn the oscar. These guys did a great great job. You get so involved with their natural acting.

Leonardo DiCaprio has so out-grown his boy-image, which he acquired during his early years esp in Titanic. Movie after movie & year after year, his performance shows the maturity & extreme character. When I look back at the movies I have enjoyed the most, quite a few of those flicks are Leonardo’s!!! Is that suprising? I did for me. Think about it – Departed, Aviator, Titanic, Catch Me If You Can and now, Blood Diamond!!! Boy! Boy! What a performer he is?

But note that here is another actor, who does not get over-shadowed by his bigger co-stars. He steals his share with all aplomb and grace. He showed that he knows what he does and his eyes spoke more than any body. And full marks to his body language. He might be seen running behind Leonardo but if you notice, he is not far behind and he is catching up with him! Yep, I am talking about Djimon Hounsou.

Djimon Hounsou has rendered a sterling performance. Never heard this name till now. But when I searched his name, I realized that I have seen a few of his movies. I liked him in Gladiator. And he is there in Eragon, which is due to be released in India. Will catch up with this movie soon as it is realized @least to watch this fella’s performance. Pretty impressive. In fact, there are other older movies I missed like Rising Sun, Constantine, Biker Boyz.

Ok, dont ask me why she is there; but she is & we have to accept. I am refering to Jennifer Connelly. She still looks pretty though her age is catching up with her looks. Her smile is still radiant. And her physiche is sooooooo picture perfect. Damn! How does she maintain such a hot hour-glass structure without looking tooo thin!! She comes for few more scenes and captivates us with her smile. May be, she is in the movie just to take the mind of all the killings. No doubt she gets in a fresh air to the other wise bloody scenes & quite literally too.

Finally, for the director – Edward Zwick. What a direction! You have to watch this movie to know the difference between a Hollywood flick against our own Bollywood flops! There is never one time in the movie when you think that this scene is unwanted. Or this scene is unnecessary. Or what is he trying to tell us? Every scene is gripping. Edge of the seat. He has maintained the thrill & kept the adrenal pumping till the last scene. Very precise & clear no-nonsense direction.

On a whole this a wonderful movie to watch, dont miss it.

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