6 thoughts on “This is Bangalore!!!

  1. Yup, anything is possible…
    Actually beggers are richer than your average ITPL slaves..
    “They work on a job that they dont like, for buying things they dont need”

  2. @prasad
    wondering if this guys came 2 empty d trash-bin. 😀

    @the pink berry
    Actually beggers are richer than your average ITPL slaves..
    so much of hatred 2wards ITPL, yeah? Bad.
    neways welcum 2 my world. nd beware. 😉

  3. dude totally agree that whoever took it did in a bad taste … cool idea though 😉

  4. @strawy:
    isnt it a bad joke ??
    it is. but a gud idea.

    cool idea though
    xctly & datz y i posted it.

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