My dear bloggers. Many of my class mates & blog friends have been angered by my silence on blog. Have been irritated by my lack of postings. Have been patiently waiting for my next post. Guess it is time to break my silence.
Before that lemme explain my silence. There was a problem. My office had blocked ‘blogger’! And, worst, only for my department. Yes, you heard it right, only for my department. Meaning the rest of my office colleagues can blog and only the “chosen” 34 cannot. Poor RP was suffering even to pass 15 minutes in office without blogger. 🙁 Believe me, it is really really tough.
Reason for blocking? Bcoz we 34 belong to an ODC (Offshore Development Centre) and ODCs have seperate rules. And similar corporate bull-shit. I was angered.
But, I cannot fight against the great corporate without some ‘chanakya’ politically correct arguments. So I researched thro’ the blogs and found some really good technical blogs. By show casing these technical blogs to my boss, I was able to convince him the blogger is indeed the best forum for “technical” discussions. And guess, what? He believed. 🙂
And, so Ladies and Gentlemen, I was able to get this site unblocked. And this is my first blog after the inhuman blocking.
Now for those in the similar situation like mine can make use of the following technical blogs to fight for your case:
Arvind The most widely used tech blog in my argument. Every hit on this blog page was an inch toward my success. Dude, I dont know who u r but thanks.
remco’s blog
The last nail in the coffin was the following blog, who is also working in the same company:
nagarajan gopalan Buddy, you made my day. Your post(click here) was the final inch of victory.
These above blogs are really good. They write a lot of technical stuff. I enjoyed reading them. Though I searched for them only for my selfish purpose but I found them pretty good. So sure would be visiting them more often.
Deepa, sure would be more regular in my posting.
Me first Me first !!!! ha ha ha For a change I havent read this blog but heard it from Horses mouth I mean rp’s mouth itself …… Hey Rp welcome back to blogging and will use the same tactics incase its blocked @ my office …….
PS :- This comment Iam posting frm Rp’s Comp from his office sitting on RP’s desk just after Rp finished publishing the post ……Iam first Iam first ….
Good.. where there is a problem better look for solutions rather than finding about the problem and thats what exactly you did!!.. Hope to hear from you!!
first time here.. very nice blog. thanks for coming to our blog and wishing us. 🙂 Will be back again!
@PV: Guess have replied to your comment live. 🙂
@sujit: Thanks man. Sure will post more often.
@Poonam: Welcome to my world of chaos. And, yeah, congrats again.
ohh. tht explains ur absence for soo long..
even I was silent for a while cos of my trainnigs 🙂
Know wat…i was scared that my ofce also will block our bloggers site.Tahnks god ! Am saved 🙂
@prasad: even I was silent for a while cos of my trainnigs
Wish I had a more compelling reason like yours than something silly as mine.
@ayshu: Know wat…i was scared that my ofce also will block our bloggers site.Tahnks god ! Am saved 🙂
Thank me too dear. 🙂